Saturday 20th April 2024
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Tag Posts: tamil

Canadian DJ & producer Blanchart Arun is set to release his debut project, an album packed with remixes of popular Tamil songs.

British Tamil Dr Kogularamanan Suntharalingam has been awarded the Dalton Young Researchers Award 2014 for his contribution to the design and development of new metallo-pharmaceuticals and to the understanding of their complex mechanisms of action.

Should we mourn the ban of this centuries old Tamil Nadu rural tradition, or be proud to see the end of what many call a barbaric sport, practiced in modern day South India?

His business model is so seemingly foolproof that the company has acquired an air of invincibility, even as its founder became sullied with scandal. As Saravana Bhavan went global, Rajagopal was charged with murder, found guilty and sentenced to life in prison.